Murder By A Mother: The Brockwell Tragedy:

Murder By A Mother: The Brockwell Tragedy

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Megan R. Branon
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
38 pages Perfect-bound
Kentucky, Mary Brockwell, Mary Fletcher Brockwell, murder, Mystery, Paducah, true crime

In the spring of 1905, the citizens of Paducah, Kentucky awoke to unbelievable headlines. Three sisters had died overnight and a group of doctors were working to find out exactly what had happened.. The truth was more vile than anybody could believe.

Mary Brockwell was my great grandfather’s aunt. I wrote this story for my grandmother as she has always carried with her that lingering question of “WHY??”

”By the kindness of an outraged public, there will be placed over the graves of these little ones, a monument, to mark their last resting place..” - Rev. T. J. Newell, at the Brockwell sisters funeral, 1905

As noted in the book, my proceeds were to go toward purchasing a monument for the Brockwell children until that goal had been met. As of midnight on 3.16.2019: The monument is completely funded. THANK YOU!!

Murder By A Mother: The Brockwell Tragedy: Murder By A Mother: The Brock...

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